皆川 泰代(教授)

日吉心理学教室 (電33762)
Differential age-dependent development of inter-area brain connectivity in term and preterm neonates. (Pediatric Research, 2022)
The effect of haptic stimulation simulating heartbeats on the regulation of physiological responses and prosocial behavior under stress: The influence of interoceptive accuracy. (Biological Psychology, 2021)
Interactive live fNIRS reveals engagement of the temporoparietal junction in response to social contingency in infants. (NeuroImage, 2020)
Prefrontal responses to odors in individuals with autism spectrum disorders: functional NIRS measurement combined with a fragrance pulse ejection system. (Front. Hum. Neurosci., 2020)
Capturing human perceptual and cognitive activities via event-related potentials measured with candle-like dry microneedle electrodes. (Micromachines,2020)
Recommendations for motion correction of infant fNIRS data applicable to multiple data sets and acquisition systems. (NeuroImage, 2019)
Maternal speech shapes the cerebral frontotemporal network in neonates: A hemodynamic functional connectivity study. (Dev. Cogn. Neurosci., 2019)
Symbolic time series analysis of fNIRS signals in brain development assessment. (Journal of Neural Engineering, 2018)
Toward Interactive Social Neuroscience: Neuroimaging Real-World Interactions in Various Populations. (Japanese Psychological Research, 2018)
Effect of mother's voice on neonatal respiratory activity and EEG delta amplitude. (Dev. Psychobio., 2018)
Infant word segmentation recruits the cerebral network of phonological short-term memory. (Brain and Language, 2017).
Which epenthetic vowel? Phonetic categories versus acoustic detail in perceptual vowel epenthesis. (J Acoust Soc Am., 2017).
Social interaction facilitates word learning in preverbal infants: Word?object mapping and word segmentation. (Infant Behavior and Development, 2017).
The more, the better? Behavioral and neural correlates of frequent and infrequent vowel exposure. (Dev. Psychobio., 2017)
「声楽的発声における母音知覚―声楽経験およびF0の影響―」(音声研究, 2017)
Prefrontal function engaging in external-focused attention in 5-6 month-old infants: A suggestion for default mode network.(Front. Neurosci., 2017)
Assessment of developing speech perception in preterm infants using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy.(NeoReviews, 2015)
Gaze behavior of children with ASD toward pictures of facial expressions.(Autism Res. Treat., 2015)
"Mom called me!" Behavioral and prefrontal responses of infants to self-names spoken by their mothers.(NeuroImage, 2014)
Neural correlates of infant accent discrimination: An fNIRS study.(Dev. Sci., 2014)
Responses to vocalizations in the human newborn brain.(PLoS One, 2014)
Performance of young children on "traveling salesperson" navigation tasks presented on a touch screen.(PLoS One, 2014)
Clinical utility of an array comparative genomic hybridization analysis for Williams syndrome.(Congenit. Anom., 2014)
Insights on NIRS sensitivity from a cross-linguistic study on the emergence of phonological grammar.(Front. Psychol., 2013)
An online database of infant functional near infrared spectroscopy studies: a community-augmented systematic review.(PLoS One, 2013).
Shedding light on language brain function with optical brain imaging. Oxford Handbook of Neurolinguistics(Oxford University Press, 2019)
Cerebral lateralization for speech processing assessed with Near Infrared Spectroscopy: typical and atypical development. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology,(HITUZI SYOBO publishing, 2016)
「第29章 脳科学の考え方」『発達科学ハンドブック1』(新曜社.2013)
「第20章 脳科学からの示唆」『新・発達心理学ハンドブック』(福村出版社,2016)
日本神経科学会,日本赤ちゃん学会,日本音声学会,日本心理学会,Organization for Human Brain Mapping