梅田 聡(教授)

三田研究室 B103B番(電23370)
Temporal changes in attentional resources consumed by mind-wandering that precede awareness: An ERP study. Neuroimage: Reports, 2021
Products with high purchase frequency require greater inhibitory control: An ERP study. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
Effects of interoceptive accuracy in autonomic responses to external stimuli based on cardiac rhythm. PLOS ONE, 2021
Alteration of heartbeat evoked magnetic fields induced by sounds of disgust. (Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020)
Neural and clinical changes of cognitive behavioral therapy versus talking control in patients with major depression: A study protocol for a randomised clinical trial. (BMJ Open, 2020)
神経・生理心理学(遠見書房, 2020)
<名著精選> 心の謎から心の科学へ 「感情: ジェームズ/キャノン/ダマシオ」(岩波書店, 2020)
PET-detectable tau pathology correlates with long-term neuropsychiatric outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury. (Brain, 2019)
情動を生み出す脳神経基盤と自律神経機能 (自律神経,2019)
Affective and temporal orientation of thoughts in depression and anxiety traits: Electrophysiological evidence. (Brain Research, 2019)
Frontopolar cortex activation associated with pessimistic future-thinking in adults with major depressive disorder. (Neuroimage: Clinical, 2019)
Machiavellianism and early neural responses to others' facial expressions caused by one's own decisions. (Psychiatry Research, 2019)
頭頂葉内側部における符号化・検索処理の機能解剖学(BRAIN and NERVE, 2018)
共感の理論と脳内メカニズム(高次脳機能研究, 2018)
Memory in social context: Brain, mind, and society. (Springer, 2017)
前向きな行動を支える10野,意味処理のハブの役割を担う38野(BRAIN and NERVE, 2017)
Prospective memory mediated by interoceptive accuracy: A psychophysiological approach (Philosophical Translations of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2016)
Structural brain abnormalities in postural tachycardia syndrome: A VBM-DARTEL study (Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2015)
Neurovisceral phenotypes in the expression of psychiatric symptoms (Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2015)
Behavioral evidence of delayed prediction signals during agency attribution in patients with schizophrenia (Psychiatry Research, 2015)
Integration of cognitive and affective networks in humor comprehension (Neuropsychologia, 2014)
Emotion,personality and the frontal lobe (Emotions of animals and humans,Springer,2013)
Neural substrates for judgment of self-agency in ambiguous situations (PLOS ONE,2013)
Reasoning bias for the recall of one's own beliefs in a Smarties task for adults (Japanese Psychological Research,2013)
Anterior insular cortex mediates bodily sensibility and social anxiety (Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience,2013)
Deficits in prospective memory following damage to the prefrontal cortex (Neuropsychologia, 2011)
How does interoceptive awareness interact with the subjective experience of emotion? An fMRI study (Human Brain Mapping,2011)
Neural processing associated with comprehension of an indirect reply during the scenario reading task (Neuropsychologia,2011)
Association between interoception and empathy:Evidence from heartbeat-evoked brain potential (International Journal of Psychophysiology,2011)
Neural substrates of implicit cueing effect on prospective memory (Neuroimage,2011)
Acquired personality traits of autism following damage to the medial prefrontal cortex (Social Neuroscience,2010)
Unilateral amygdala lesions hamper attentional orienting triggered by gaze direction (Cerebral Cortex,2007)
「あっ,忘れてた」はなぜ起こる (岩波書店,2007)
境界知のダイナミズム (岩波書店,2006)
日本心理学会,日本高次脳機能障害学会,日本神経心理学会,日本自律神経学会,日本認知心理学会,日本認知科学会, Cognitive Neuroscience Society,Organization for Human Brain Mapping,Society for Psychophysiological Research,International Neuropsychological Society